Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Quiet Time Between Christmas & New Years

We are suppose to be de-junking the basement so we don't end up on a episode of Hoarders. Some how we manage to avoid it. It must be done, so I can move the rest of my daughters stuff to the basement ready for her to collect next summer.  Then I can finally get my craft room back.
So how did you all do at Christmas?
Somehow I ended up with a new laptop, I am getting used to it, the keyboard feels a little funny and am having trouble with the keys lol.
The new tv went on the blink on boxing day, but really again it was our shaw cable box.  Hubby is not happy, as his football and hockey was in green. Oh well, we have the other tv almost set up in the basement and just need a coupler for the cable (too short).
I think I forgot to take a picture of my Moms card, maybe it's on my phone I did send it to Sheena in a message. I think I have found out how to watermark my pictures. The good camera is out and I am going to start to use it. Might start to challenge myself to take a picture a day, using the different settings and actually learning to use it fully. Said that last year too lol. I will make a post with my resolutions for 2011. Off to get more work done in the basement and to find picture of the card

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