Monday, July 19, 2010

Lucy has a new home or will have soon

Been awhile since I have posted, either been busy or just plain old lazy and tired from being busy.
I have found Lucy an new home.  She will be going on a long trip, which I hope she will do fine on.  I will be taking her to Great Falls Montana this weekend and passing her to her new "Mom", and they are taking her all the way to Omaha Nebraska.  So she goes from an Canadian Ragdoll to an American Ragdoll. Almost a movie or a song title there lol.  I think she will be well loved and an only kitty.  The emails back and forth have been very positive and the new mom has had a Ragdoll before.
Then once I get back on Sunday, I only have a week to get ready for my trip to Cape Breton for my lovely niece's wedding.  My stay has been extended as DH was able to get some time off, but five days after I arrive and 5 days after I leave. Now I will be there 15 days.  I am still hoping to get some thank you cards and a couple of baby congrats cards made in the mean time.  I did make one for my daughter, she had to put her 16 year old cat down the Friday before last.  I finally made a thank you card for the vets office from Freya.

It's a little blurry, used my iphone and sometimes I shake just a little too much.  I'll post the other once I have it off my camera.

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